Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Belajar wordpress (part 1) :D

Kursus Pembangunan Portal Menggunakan Wordpress Day 1 08.30-10.00 - installasi menggunakan wordpress dan bitnami url : & bitnami: untuk setting / install phpmyadmin n wordpress automaticly - nb: port server: 8888 (port HTML) - nb: port ssl: 8888 (port HTMLS) 10.30-13.00 - langkah1 : update wordpress  dashboard -> update-> select all -> update plugin - post : untuk berita atau hebahan - page : untuk artikel2 utama, ex: visi&misi, welcome site, etc - sebelum membuat post, buat category terlebih dahulu - untuk menggunakan textdummy sila layari : - untuk menggunakan template ukm yang telah ada, sila layari: - pergi ke menu plugin select all -> deactive - pergi ke menu plugin select all -> delete -> yes delete all - menu appearance -> install theme -> upload -> browse (Search theme yg baru kita download) -> install now -> Theme installed successfully and then Click Active (to active theme). - install qtranslate : plugin->add new-> type “qtranslate” and search -install cyclone-slider2 -> Successfully installed the plugin and active plugin -setting -> language ->disabled Chinese and deutch - add language: locale = ms_MY; date_format: d/m/y; time: g:I a; not available message using example - after add label see list of language on th table, and enabled your language - appearance -> widget -> delete all in “Bahagian Atas Kiri” -page ->edit sample page -> page attribute , template: muka hadapan -setting->reading setting: front page display check “a static page”, frontpage -> pilih page yang baru sahaja di buat -appearance -> menu -> type “menu atas” -> create menu -> add UKM, E-warga to menu atas - appearance -> widget -> add custom menu to Bahagian Kiri Atas - add “widget builder” ->plugin search->install and active - widget builder add text from the template -> save -> open widget -> move widget builder what we create to bahagian kanan atas - find plugin with keyword “Allow PHP in Posts and Pages” – install and activated -untuk mengedit beberapa gambar sila layari :